Senate President, District 12

Phone: (515) 281-3371


Committees: Rules and Administration (Vice Chair)

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Senator Amy Sinclair represents Senate District 12 which includes all of Adair, Clarke, Decatur, Madison, Lucas, and Wayne counties in addition to portions of Appanoose, Dallas, and Union counties. Senator Sinclair was first elected to the Iowa Senate in 2012. She currently serves as the vice chair of the Rules and Administration Committee.

In her tenure, she has been recognized for her leadership by her fellow senators when they elected her to the position of President of the Senate in 2023, a position she continues to hold. She has also been awarded many recognitions by national and state organizations for her accomplishments and leadership, including the Hoover Presidential Foundation, Iowa Health Care Association, Iowa Association of Christian Schools, The Family Leader, and American Legislative Exchange Council. While these accolades are appreciated, Senator Sinclair takes pride in representing her constituents with integrity and grace.

Senator Sinclair began working at the age of 13 in a local restaurant, learning the value of hard work, determination, and the value of communicating with people. She later worked for the Ad Express/Daily Iowegian newspaper in Centerville. Senator Sinclair also taught in the Central Decatur Community Schools and at Southwestern Community College, preparing students to complete their GED testing, as well as teaching parenting and adult basic education classes. She later served as a federal grants coordinator and after-school program director for Wayne Community School District.

Senator Sinclair’s experience in her community is broad and varied prior to her serving in the Iowa Senate. During two terms on the Wayne County Board of Supervisors, Senator Sinclair held numerous leadership opportunities in our county and local communities, including chairing the Iowa County Engineers’ Service Bureau board of directors and the Wayne County R.E.A.P. Commission. She was also an active board member for the 10-15 Regional Transit System, Iowa’s 5th Judicial District, South Iowa Area Crime Commission, Southeast Iowa Response Group-Hazmat Operations, Community Health Centers of Southern Iowa, and Chariton Valley Transportation Planning Affiliate. Senator Sinclair also chaired the Allerton Public Library Board from 2000-2004 and served on the board of directors for the South Central Iowa Community Action Program. She is currently a member of the Wayne Optimists Club.

She has lived, worked, and raised her family in Wayne County for 30 years.