It is just over a month away from the start of the 2018 legislative session. During these last couple months, I have been spending a lot of time working on the farm, listening to ideas from friends and neighbors, and getting feedback on the last legislative session.
The 2018 session will be the second session of the 87th General Assembly. In the first, we accomplished a number of the goals we promised you in the election – the very reason you elected us to the majority in the first place. These achievements included huge legislation on the Second Amendment and voter ID, a joint resolution to let the citizens of Iowa vote on putting a 99 percent expenditure limit amendment to the Iowa Constitution, and collective bargaining reform to reward the best teachers our state has to offer. In an effort to improve career opportunities for Iowans, we passed legislation reducing the regulatory burden on Iowa’s job creators and eliminated hurdles to growth for other industries.
We have only just started to see the rewards these changes have made for our state. While we will again tackle a difficult budget, I know we will continue keeping our promises to you to create a better environment for job growth in our state, give our kids the education they deserve, and ensure everyday, hard-working Iowans get to keep more money in their pocket.
Let’s make it happen!