Iowa Senate Passes $100 million in Property Tax Relief

Today, the Iowa Senate passed SF 569, an estimated $100 million property tax relief bill, while simultaneously preserving the Taxpayer Trust Fund to remain on the path to reduce and eliminate the state income tax. 

“Iowans from river to river have opened their property assessments this year to shock and dismay,” said Senator Dan Dawson. “20%, 30%, even 50% increases in valuations have left property taxpayers angry and looking for relief. Senate Republicans heard them. Today’s resulting reform is real relief now and structural relief for the future.”  

“In 2021, the Iowa Legislature moved the cost of mental health services from property taxes to the state general fund. Less than half the counties in Iowa passed those savings to the property taxpayer,” said Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver. “Unlike past efforts to provide property tax relief, SF 569 is not a tax shift. It is $100 million in relief and controls the growth of local government spending. It avoids the pitfall of pouring water into a bucket with a big hole in the bottom.” 

SF 569 provides $4.5 million in relief by eliminating two levies and $57 million in relief by changing the veterans and seniors property tax credit to an exemption. It also creates $45.4 million in relief through city and county levy reform as estimated by the Iowa Department of Management. 

The bill automatically reduces levy rates when assessments rise so taxpayers are protected from massive rate increases and also to control local government spending. It increases transparency by changing notice requirements and providing clarity on local budgets.  

Opening Day Remarks of Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver

Below are the opening day remarks of Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Grimes, as prepared for delivery:

Madam President, Minority Leader Wahls, colleagues, friends and family,

Welcome to the 2023 legislative session. 

Six years ago I was proud to address this body as a member of the new majority party and the President of the Senate for the first time. In those comments, I talked about the optimism of this chamber and its goals, to bring bold solutions and create new opportunities in our state. 

I said, “When this session ends and people remember the 2017 session, let them say that this was the year that positively changed our state forever. Let them say this was the year an economic revival began in Iowa. Let them say that 2017 was the year the legislature dared to dream big.” 

Continue reading Opening Day Remarks of Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver

Opening Day Remarks of Senate President Amy Sinclair

Below are the opening day remarks of Senate President Amy Sinclair, R-Allerton, as prepared for delivery:

Good morning colleagues of the Senate, friends, family, and people of the State of Iowa. Welcome to the first session of the 90th General Assembly. As I look around, I see many new faces filling the desks of the Senate Chamber, and I want to congratulate the 14 new Senators sworn into office today. 

Continue reading Opening Day Remarks of Senate President Amy Sinclair

Whitver Announces Committee Assignments

Today, Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Grimes, released Senate Republican committee assignments for the 90th General Assembly.

“After Iowans have validated our agenda by putting Senate Republicans into the supermajority for the first time in half a century, our caucus is ready to continue to deliver results for this state,” said Whitver. “We will implement pro-growth solutions to combat the destructive Biden agenda and help Iowans keep more of what they earn, continue to reduce barriers to job creation, and empower parents in their children’s education.”

Due to the make-up of the Iowa Senate, committee sizes have been adjusted. The new numbers are reflected below.

Agriculture 11 Republicans, 5 Democrats

Senator Driscoll, Chair
Senator Rozenboom, Vice Chair
Senator Alons
Senator Costello
Senator Edler
Senator Green
Senator Gruenhagen
Senator McClintock
Senator Shipley
Senator Sweeney
Senator Zumbach

Appropriations 12 Republicans, 6 Democrats

Senator Kraayenbrink, Chair
Senator Zumbach, Vice Chair
Senator Rowley
Senator Lofgren
Senator Koelker
Senator Taylor
Senator Costello
Senator Edler
Senator Garrett
Senator Green
Senator Reichman
Senator Guth

Commerce 12 Republicans, 6 Democrats

Senator Brown, Chair
Senator Bousselot, Vice Chair
Senator Dawson
Senator De Witt
Senator Dickey
Senator Gruenhagen
Senator Klimesh
Senator Koelker
Senator Rowley
Senator Schultz
Senator Webster
Senator Westrich

Education 11 Republicans, 5 Democrats

Senator Rozenboom, Chair
Senator Taylor, Vice Chair
Senator Cournoyer
Senator Evans
Senator Garrett
Senator Gruenhagen
Senator Kraayenbrink
Senator Salmon
Senator Sinclair
Senator Westrich
Senator Zaun

Ethics 3 Republicans, 3 Democrats

Senator Shipley, Chair
Senator Costello, Vice Chair
Senator Evans

Government Oversight 4 Republicans, 2 Democrats

Senator Sinclair, Chair
Senator Klimesh, Vice Chair
Senator Gruenhagen
Senator Kraayenbrink

Health and Human Services 9 Republicans, 4 Democrats

Senator Edler, Chair
Senator Costello, Vice Chair
Senator Alons
Senator Evans
Senator Garrett
Senator Guth
Senator Rowley
Senator Salmon
Senator Sweeney

Judiciary 12 Republicans, 6 Democrats

Senator Zaun, Chair
Senator Garrett, Vice Chair
Senator Bousselot
Senator Dawson
Senator De Witt
Senator Evans
Senator Reichman
Senator Rowley
Senator Schultz
Senator Shipley
Senator Taylor
Senator Webster

Local Government 8 Republicans, 4 Democrats

Senator Green, Chair
Senator Lofgren, Vice Chair
Senator Driscoll
Senator Guth
Senator Klimesh
Senator Shipley
Senator Webster
Senator Westrich

Natural Resources 9 Republicans, 4 Democrats

Senator Sweeney, Chair
Senator Shipley, Vice Chair
Senator Cournoyer
Senator De Witt
Senator Driscoll
Senator Evans
Senator Green
Senator Rozenboom
Senator Zumbach

Rules and Administration 6 Republicans, 3 Democrats

Senator Whitver, Chair
Senator Sinclair, Vice Chair
Senator Brown
Senator Lofgren
Senator Reichman
Senator Zaun 

State Government 12 Republicans, 6 Democrats

Senator Schultz, Chair
Senator Cournoyer, Vice Chair
Senator Bousselot
Senator Brown
Senator Dawson
Senator Driscoll
Senator Koelker
Senator Kraayenbrink
Senator McClintock
Senator Salmon
Senator Webster
Senator Westrich

Technology 8 Republicans, 4 Democrats

Senator Cournoyer, Chair
Senator Kraayenbrink, Vice Chair
Senator Alons
Senator Bousselot
Senator Koelker
Senator Reichman
Senator Taylor
Senator Webster

Transportation 12 Republicans, 6 Democrats

Senator Klimesh, Chair
Senator Dickey, Vice Chair
Senator Bousselot
Senator Brown
Senator Cournoyer
Senator De Witt
Senator Koelker
Senator Lofgren
Senator Rozenboom
Senator Shipley
Senator Webster
Senator Zumbach

Veterans Affairs 8 Republicans, 4 Democrats

Senator Reichman, Chair
Senator Salmon, Vice Chair
Senator Alons
Senator Costello
Senator Dawson
Senator Edler
Senator Lofgren
Senator McClintock

Ways and Means 12 Republicans, 6 Democrats

Senator Dawson, Chair
Senator Koelker, Vice Chair
Senator Bousselot
Senator Brown
Senator Cournoyer
Senator Dickey
Senator Driscoll
Senator Klimesh
Senator Rowley
Senator Schultz
Senator Sweeney
Senator Zaun

Workforce 8 Republicans, 4 Democrats

Senator Dickey, Chair
Senator McClintock, Vice Chair
Senator Driscoll
Senator Guth
Senator Kraayenbrink
Senator Rowley
Senator Schultz
Senator Taylor

Appropriation Subcommittees

Administration and Regulation  3 Republicans, 2 Democrats
Senator Rowley, Chair
Senator Guth, Vice Chair
Senator Webster

Agriculture and Natural Resources  3 Republicans, 2 Democrats

Senator Zumbach, Chair
Senator Sweeney, Vice Chair
Senator Shipley

Economic Development  3 Republicans, 2 Democrats

Senator Lofgren, Chair
Senator Dickey, Vice Chair
Senator Gruenhagen

Education  3 Republicans, 2 Democrats

Senator Taylor, Chair
Senator Cournoyer, Vice Chair
Senator Evans

Justice Systems  4 Republicans, 2 Democrats

Senator Garrett, Chair
Senator Westrich, Vice Chair
Senator McClintock
Senator Salmon

Health and Human Services 4 Republicans, 2 Democrats

Senator Costello, Chair
Senator Edler, Vice Chair
Senator Alons
Senator Klimesh

Transportation, Infrastructure, and Capitals  3 Republicans, 2 Democrats

Senator Koelker, Chair
Senator Bousselot, Vice Chair
Senator De Witt

Other Committee Assignments

Administrative Rules Review

Senator Klimesh, Co-chair
Senator Brown
Senator Bousselot

Public Retirement Systems

Senator Kraayenbrink, Co-chair
Senator Lofgren
Senator Schultz

International Relations

Senator Sweeney, Co-chair
Senator Alons
Senator Koelker

Whitver Announces Committee Chairs

Today, Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Grimes, announced the Iowa Senate committee chairs for the 90th General Assembly.

“The first supermajority in the Iowa Senate in 5 decades is ready to deliver results for Iowans,” said Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver. “I am eager to get to work with my fellow Republican Senators to help Iowans combat inflation, reduce barriers to job creation, and continue to implement our historic income tax cuts.”


Senator Dawn Driscoll, R-Williamsburg


Senator Tim Kraayenbrink, R-Ft. Dodge


Senator Waylon Brown, R-Osage


Senator Ken Rozenboom, R-Pella


Senator Tom Shipley, R-Nodaway

Government Oversight

Senator Amy Sinclair, R-Allerton

Health and Human Services (Human Resources has been renamed Health and Human Services)

Senator Jeff Edler, R-State Center


Senator Brad Zaun, R-Urbandale

Local Government

Senator Jesse Green, R-Boone

Natural Resources and Environment

Senator Annette Sweeney, R-Alden

Rules and Administration

Senator Jack Whitver

State Government

Senator Jason Schultz, R-Schleswig

Technology (The Technology Committee will focus on information technology, telecommunications, cybersecurity, and other related policies.)  

Senator Chris Cournoyer, R-LeClaire


Senator Mike Klimesh, R-Spillville

Veterans Affairs

Senator Jeff Reichman, R-Montrose

Ways and Means

Senator Dan Dawson, R-Council Bluffs

Workforce (the Labor Committee has been renamed the Workforce Committee)

Senator Adrian Dickey, R-Packwood 

Appropriations Subcommittees

Administration and Regulation

Senator Dave Rowley, R-Spirit Lake

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Senator Dan Zumbach, R-Ryan


Senator Jeff Taylor, R-Sioux Center

Economic Development

Senator Mark Lofgren, R-Muscatine

Health and Human Services 

Senator Mark Costello, R-Imogene

Justice Systems

Senator Julian Garrett, R-Indianola

Transportation, Infrastructure and Capitals

Senator Carrie Koelker, R-Dyersville

Other Committee Chair Assignments

Administrative Rules Review

Senator Mike Klimesh, vice chair

International Relations

Senator Annette Sweeney, vice chair

Whitver Reelected Senate Majority Leader

Sinclair chosen as Senate President-select to help lead GOP supermajority

Senate Republicans reelected Jack Whitver, R-Grimes, as Majority Leader. Amy Sinclair, R-Allerton, was chosen as President-select of the Iowa Senate for the 90th General Assembly. 

“Leading this caucus is a great honor and privilege,” said Senator Whitver. “I am humbled to be reelected as the Senate Majority Leader for the Iowa Senate and lead one of the most productive and conservative caucuses in the country. I am proud of the accomplishments we have had over the last several years, like historic tax reform, controlling spending, and supporting law enforcement. I look forward to working on important issues facing our state.”

Senator Whitver was first elected to the Iowa Senate in 2011. Through his tenure in the Iowa Senate, he has held leadership positions including Ranking Member of the Appropriations Committee and Republican Whip. After the November 2016 election, when Republicans gained control of the Iowa Senate, Senator Whitver was elected as the Iowa Senate President by his colleagues. In March 2018 he became Senate Majority Leader.

“I thank my colleagues for the opportunity to be the President of the Iowa Senate,” said Senator Sinclair. “This role is critical to the success of our caucus and the Senate as a whole. I appreciate the trust they have put in me, and I look forward to continuing the progress we have made to make Iowa the best state in the country.”   

Senator Sinclair was first elected to the Iowa Senate in 2013. She has served as the Majority Whip since 2018 and served as the chair of the Senate Education Committee. She has also been a member of several important committees in the Senate, such as Ways and Means, Commerce, and Judiciary.

Closing Remarks from Senate Majority Leader Whitver

Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, released closing remarks at the end of the 2022 Iowa Legislative Session as prepared for delivery:

Friends and colleagues, 

I want to start by simply thanking everyone for their hard work this year. Senators, staff, and pages. Thank you for your service to Iowa.

Traditionally, the end of session speech recaps the session just completed. However, this year I want to take a look at the last two years of accomplishments. The 89th General Assembly will go down as one of the most productive and exceptional General Assemblies in Iowa history. It will also go down as one of the most successful.

We took our seats in this chamber in January of 2021, 9 months into the first worldwide pandemic in 100 years. It was a time of hardship for many people. It was a time of great uncertainty. It was a time of great stress for so many Iowans. 

It was also a difficult time to legislate. The issues facing us were issues none of us ever expected to address in our years in the Senate. Issues we don’t consider when we decided to run for office. Issues like pandemics, vaccine policies, mask requirements, or lockdowns.  

It was a time that needed strong leadership. It needed smart leadership. And it needed good leadership.

That leadership was provided by Governor Reynolds through the summer and fall of 2020 when we were not in session.

But when the legislature returned in January of 2021, it was time to get to work WITH the governor to legislate solutions to the issues in front of us. While most governors around the country continued to govern through executive orders, this caucus and this legislature sat down and worked WITH our governor to pass the necessary LEGISLATION to move this state forward. We worked together to lead this state through the challenges brought by the pandemic in a way consistent with the founding principles of this republic. 

In January of 2021, the hottest issue in the state was: Should our kids go to school? As liberal school boards literally locked our kids out of school or forced our students into part time school, the Republicans in the legislature stood up and passed one of the first laws in the country saying that no matter where you live, no matter which school you attend… if you want your kids in school, they have the option to go to school 100% of the time in Iowa.

History may look back at this decision as an obvious decision… the easy solution.

It wasn’t that easy. Education unions decried the common-sense solution of giving parents and students the option of being in school in person full time. Only a handful of states had the courage and ability to step up and pass legislation to ensure our kids were in school. We were one of them. 32 Republicans in this chamber stood up for our kids to make sure our kids were being educated. Every Democrat voted NO! 

As liberal cities and states across the country rushed to DEFUND THE POLICE, Iowa did the opposite. Common sense will tell you that if you defund the police, you will see an increase in crime. This legislature passed one of the most comprehensive Back the Blue bills in the entire country. In Iowa, our law enforcement officers know – when they have our back, we have their back! 32 Republican senators voted to support our law enforcement. Every single Democrat voted NO! 

The covid pandemic was also a very difficult for state budgets across the country. A shutdown of the economy for several months naturally had a tremendous impact on our state revenues.

Because of the hard work done by Republicans in the Iowa Legislature on our state budget over the past few years, our finances were strong in March of 2020. The Council of State Governments analyzed every state fiscal situation in March of 2020, and Iowa ranked as the state best prepared to weather the pandemic financially.

If that wasn’t enough, because of the decisions made by the governor and this legislature, Iowa opened back up and we were named by Wallet Hub as the one of the fastest states to recover from the pandemic.

Our strong fiscal conservatism has led to record surpluses, record balances in our rainy day funds, and a record amount in our taxpayer relief fund. This year we promised to do what every government should do when it has too much taxpayer money. 

Our Ways and Means committee got to work! In 2021, we passed one of the biggest tax reform bills in history. We expedited income tax cuts, we eliminated the death tax in Iowa, and we made good on our promise to fund mental health, while reducing property taxes.

This tax bill would be historic in any normal General Assembly. But continued growth and surpluses positioned us to enact another tax cut. This time the biggest income tax cut in state history! We began our Republican trifecta with a tax rate of 8.9%. This legislature has reduced that rate to 3.9%!

Over the last two years, we have seen relentless government overreach in a way few of us ever could imagine. At every turn, we have had Iowans’ backs.

When cities and states across the country were implementing vaccine passports, this legislature stood up to support Iowans. We passed a ban on vaccine passports so Iowans would not be shut out of local businesses due to their personal medical decisions. 

When schools continued with unnecessary mask mandates that took power out of parents’ hands and defied common sense, we were there for our students. Iowa was one of only a few states to pass a mask mandate ban in our schools. 

When the Biden Administration imposed vaccine mandates on millions of employees, we again stood up for Iowa employees and passed a bill last fall to ensure that Iowans would be protected against these unconstitutional mandates.

If there is one thing that I would tell Iowans about the 89th General Assembly…it is this: Republicans in the legislature have had your back. We made sure you kept more of what you earned. We made sure Iowans had the choice to wear a mask and whether to attend school full time. We protected Iowans against the non-stop government overreach by some cities, schools, and the federal government. We have had your back and we made sure common sense prevails in Iowa. 

This two-year General Assembly has been productive and historic. As we end this session and head out to talk with our constituents, we know our work is not done. Despite all we have accomplished, we have much more to do. This generational tax cut will be implemented over the next several years and a conservative, sustainable budget must accompany that tax relief.

In addition to implementing tax relief and sustainable budgets, more work remains to give Iowa parents a greater ability to direct their children’s education. Iowa has some excellent public schools but they don’t always work for every student. Putting parents first has been a theme for Senate Republicans for the last 6 years. From in-person learning, to choosing to wear a mask, and ensuring open enrollment exists for all Iowa students, we have led on empowering parents. We continued that work this year and we will continue to advance that goal next year.

The path forward is clear. I look forward to the next several months of communicating our positive, pro-growth message to Iowans. Followed by the 90th General Assembly when we will continue to deliver results for this great state.

Thank you Mr. President.

Whitver’s Remarks from Tax Bill Signing

Today, Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, delivered remarks at the bill signing for HF 2317, the largest income tax cut in Iowa history. His remarks, as prepared for delivery are below:

“Good morning! Today is a great day in Iowa! And today is a historic day in Iowa as the governor signs the largest income tax cut in state history.

6 years ago, when Republicans won the Iowa Senate majority and therefore the trifecta at the capitol, we inherited one of the most complicated and punitive tax codes in the entire country.

We were 4th highest in the nation in individual income tax rates at 8.9%.

We were 50th in corporate tax rates – the highest in the nation in 2016.

But 6 years ago, we laid out a vision for Iowa, and more specifically a vision for tax reforms in Iowa. A vision where Iowa is a state that encourages work and encourages investment. A vision where retirees stay in Iowa to be close to their kids and grandkids. A vision of a tax code that is simple, flat and fair to Iowa taxpayers. HF 2317 brings that vision to life.

This bill reduces the individual income tax rate in Iowa to the 4th lowest rate in the country – saving the average taxpayer over $1300 per year. It eliminates taxes on retirement income in Iowa. And it begins to reform our outdated and job killing corporate tax code.

In this post pandemic economy, the competition is fierce for jobs and workers. This bill will ensure that Iowa will compete for those jobs and workers.

HF 2317 is the result of the hard work of so many people. Senator Dawson, who spent hundreds of hours working on tax policy that would make Iowa more competitive. Thank you for your time and effort to get this bill done!

Speaker Grassley and Representative Hein – thank you for your work on the House side to make this bill a priority for the House.

Governor Reynolds – thank you for your leadership on tax reform. In five years as governor, you have signed 3 historic tax cuts. This wouldn’t happen without the leadership from you and your office. 

Most importantly, today when the governor signs HF 2317, it will be making good on our promise to Iowans, a promise that when over collect tax dollars, we will return that money in the form of permanent, sustainable tax reductions to Iowans. Today is a great day in Iowa, and a great day for Iowa taxpayers. Thank you all for coming out, we are looking forward to seeing this vision signed into law.”

Iowa Senate Passes Largest Income Tax Cut in Iowa History

Today, the Iowa Senate passed the largest income tax cut in Iowa history.

“For years Senate Republicans have promised to provide income tax relief and today, we kept that promise again,” said Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny. “This tax bill is the third major tax relief package the Senate has delivered in the last 4 years. A nearly $1.9 billion tax cut creates an environment for more career opportunities for Iowans, gives Iowans more of an incentive to rejoin the workforce, and helps Iowans weather the impact of record setting inflation created by the reckless policies coming from Washington, DC.”

HF 2317, when fully implemented, moves Iowa’s individual income tax rate from 8th highest rate in the country to the 4th lowest at a flat 3.9% rate. It exempts all pension income from state taxes, provides relief for retired farmers, and reforms corporate income taxes. It also provides for transfers from Taxpayer Relief Fund if revenues do not meet expectations.

“Today is truly a great day to be an Iowan,” said Senator Dan Dawson, R-Council Bluffs, and the chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee. “We’ve heard the quote ‘Big government bureaucrats believe every day is April 15 and Senate Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July,’ and today feels like the Fourth of July as we celebrate this accomplishment of transformational tax relief for Iowa families. Cutting down Iowa’s tax rates to a flat tax is a huge step towards getting rid of the income tax in Iowa and will have a major impact on Iowans and their families. I am proud of the work we have done here and how far we have come, and proud to see this bill pass the Iowa Senate today.”

Opening Day Remarks of Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver

Below are the opening day remarks of Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, as prepared for delivery:

Mister President and colleagues of the Senate, 

The 2022 legislative session provides exciting opportunities for us as we continue our work to make Iowa the best state in the country – the best state to live, the best state to work, and the best state to raise your family. Recently, Iowa was rated as one of the best states for opportunity. We were named the state in the strongest position to withstand the Covid pandemic and we were also named the fastest state to recover from it. After 5 years of a Republican trifecta, Iowa’s success is no longer subjective – it’s objective.

In the five years since Republicans have had the majority in the Iowa Senate, we have enacted legislation to help Iowa grow and make the state better for those who call it home. The priority being tax relief for those hard-working people who make our state the great place it is. After implementing conservative, responsible budgeting practices, we passed truly historic income tax relief and we have continued to pass tax relief measures every year. We started as one of the states with the highest, most complicated income taxes in the country. Even after the measures we have taken, we have more work to do.

In a post pandemic economy, the competition is fierce for jobs and citizens. If policy makers want this state to grow, then we must be on the list of states with the lowest income tax in America. 

Census data from 2021 was released recently and it showed a dark picture for states with high tax rates, punitive regulations, and regular lockdowns. Look no farther than east of the Mississippi river to see a state lose more than 140,000 residents last year. High taxes, closed schools, and an oppressive government chase residents to other states. Just like Illinois, California and New York have all had a net loss of hundreds of thousands of residents. People are voting with their feet and with their wallets. They are moving to low tax, pro freedom states.

In an increasingly competitive and fluid economy, we must improve Iowa’s competitive advantage to attract new residents and create new career opportunities. We started down that path in 2017 by implementing sound, reliable, and sustainable budgets and maintained that discipline each year. We continued in 2018 by passing the largest income tax cut in Iowa history. In 2019 we approved property tax transparency and in 2021 we accelerated the 2018 tax cuts and eliminated a property tax levy.  All of that work has set the stage for another significant reduction in the income tax rates. 

We have almost a billion dollars in the rainy day funds. Another billion in the taxpayer trust fund. Another billion dollar projected surplus in this current budget year, and a huge structural surplus as we brought in almost a billion dollars more than we spent this year. 

In short, our policies are working and that success has led to an overcollection of taxes on hard working Iowans. When Republicans collect too much of your hard earned dollars, we will keep our promise to give it back. We must return that money to taxpayers in the form of major, permanent pro-growth tax reform. Iowans deserve a simpler, more transparent, and more competitive tax code. 

It is more important now than ever for Iowans to keep what they earn and be motivated to join the workforce so our economy can continue to grow. Cutting taxes is not only good for the hard-working Iowans who earned it, but also for small businesses paying that same rate. They have more money to invest and build their business. More money to reward employees with higher wages, attract new customers, and expand their opportunities. It makes Iowa more competitive with the states around us, and a more attractive place to live.

One of my colleagues has already been quoted as saying we are looking at building a 21st century model for our tax code, and that there is no reason we should settle for mediocrity. The tax code should not punish Iowans for wanting more in life, trying to provide more for your family, or getting a promotion at work. 

In addition to tax relief, Iowans from nearly every sector of the economy are looking for solutions to the demand for workforce. I would propose instead of creating another government program to fix a government-created problem, we get government out of the way and empower Iowans to solve the problem. Let’s make it easier to open and operate a child care facility in Iowa so Iowa parents who want to return to the workforce, can. Let’s eliminate outdated licensing requirements and make sure someone with the necessary training and skills can get to work sooner, without government-imposed delays. Let’s ensure Iowa’s public assistance programs are there for the truly needy and not a lifestyle option for healthy, capable Iowans. Let’s improve the tangible incentive to work by reducing income taxes on all Iowans. 

I am proud to be the leader of this caucus and proud of the accomplishments we have made so far. I am most proud because we deliver on the promises we make to Iowans. Promises like sustainable budgets, reliable funding for education, empowering parents in their children’s education and supporting law enforcement. 

We will not stop now. The Senate Republican agenda for this session is tax relief for Iowans, and we do not intend to waste the opportunity we have here with one-time checks. We are here to deliver real, permanent tax reform to give employers and families the confidence to know their work and investments will be worth the risk. 

You have all heard me say we shouldn’t be just thinking and working for next year, but for the next generation of Iowans, and the next generation after that. Nothing we do here is just for today. 

Colleagues, we begin the 2022 session with Iowa in the strongest position we have ever been. The 5 years of hard work, leadership by many of you in this room, and the patience for our policies to work, has given us a tremendous opportunity.

When given an opportunity, we must deliver. We must keep our promises to the voters who send us to the capitol. Promises that ensure that the next generation of Iowans is better off than we are. 

Few policies have shown more long-term growth impact than significant, permanent income tax cuts. Implementing pro-growth tax policy to make Iowa one of the fastest growing states in the country is policy that makes a generational difference. 

It is great to see everyone back at the Capitol. Let’s get to work.